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What is Muscle Testing?
“The important thing is not to stop questioning”
This quote by Albert Einstein
serves as a powerful reminder to maintain curiosity and seek answers beyond what we already know. By questioning, we open doors to new knowledge and innovative solutions.
What is Muscle Testing?
Muscle testing, also known as applied kinesiology, is based on principles of biomagnetic energy and the idea that the body can provide feedback through muscle responses to various stimuli.
While our conscious mind is mostly oblivious to these energies, our subconscious mind is profoundly affected by them. The subconscious can lead the body to respond to or reinforce positive energy and to avoid or refuse negative energy. These responses are what make muscle testing possible.
We can tap into this relationship between the subconscious mind and energy by asking YES or NO questions and then checking the body’s response.
I use the Sway Test as my primary form of muscle testing.
My body will reveal the answers through subtle physical responses (biofeedback) by either swaying forwards or backwards.
How can the muscle testing be performed if I am not physically present?
Many individuals commonly associate communication with overt signals conveyed through facial expressions, vocal tones, gestures, and physical movements. However, evidence now supports the perspective that a subtle yet influential electromagnetic or ‘energetic’ communication system operates just below our conscious level of awareness.
What is Proxy Muscle Testing?
This extract is taken from The Emotion Code book on the subject of Proxy Testing:
"When someone has been given authority to act for someone else, we commonly refer to the authorized person as a proxy. A proxy is someone who acts as a substitute. In proxy testing, the proxy temporarily “becomes” the person being tested. By voluntarily putting themselves into the position of standing in for someone else, a proxy can be tested as if they were the subject of the testing, allowing their body to be used to benefit the subject".
Proxy testing is most useful when you want to help someone who is not present or who is inaccessible for some reason.
Have a look at the Quantum Physics and Distance Healing Page for more information about the principles behind how distant healing is possible.
The origins and history of Muscle Testing
Article extract produced by
“Our life begins to change when we change our energy, and we begin to take our power back” Dr. Joe Dispenz
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