Helping you to transform your

life, one belief at a time.....

My Services

Step 1: Pick your service

Time to hit the Reset

Button Email Session


Price: £180

What’s Included:

💛 1 x 30 minute Heart Wall Session

💚 1 x 30 minute Emotion Code Session

💙 1 x 30 minute Body Code Session

❤️ 2 x 30 minute Belief Code Sessions

🩵 1 x 30 minute Positive Connection Session

📞 Phone call to explain the content of your report

🩶 1 x 30 minute Follow up clearing session within 1 month

If the Heart Wall is minimal, then this time will

be reallocated to a Belief Code session

1 Hour Email



Price: £60

What’s Included:

I offer a 1-hour email session to work through one selected topic using the 💚Emotion, 💙Body,

❤️Belief Code methods.

Recommended after completing an initial Time to hit the Reset Button Session or Heart Wall Removal & Belief Code Session.

Pet Reset

Email Session


Price: £60

What’s Included:

💛 1 x 15 minute Heart Wall Session

💚 1 x 15 minute Emotion Code Session

💙 1 x 15 minute Body Code Session

🩵 1 x 15 minute Positive Connection Session

Email me to book this service

Heart Wall Removal &

Belief Code Email Session


Price: £90

What’s Included:

💛 2 x 30 minute Heart Wall Sessions

❤️ 1 x 30 minute Belief Code Session

If the Heart Wall is minimal, then this time will

be reallocated to a Belief Code session

Positive Connections

Email Session


Price: £60

What’s Included:

🩵 1 x 60 minute clearing on up to a maximum of 4 people/pets who are connected to you. I will identify any energetic blocks you have related to the specified individuals or pets.

Email me to book this service

Recharge your Sleep

Email Session


Coming soon.....

If you are unsure on what service is best for you once you have reviewed the options and read the relevant Methods pages, please use the contact form to send me a message and I will get in contact.

Quantum Human Design™ Consultations

Coming soon.....

I use the Emotion Code, Body Code, and Belief Code holistic therapy methods developed by Dr. Bradley Nelson at Discover Healing.

  • I make no claims as to recovery from any illness and the service I provide is not a substitute for medical care. This information is not intended as medical advice and should not be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. If you have questions or concerns about your health, please contact your healthcare provider.

Please review Step 2 Client Information Consent Form for full disclaimer details.

Please review the Frequently Asked Questions tab before booking:

  • How do I find a Certified Practitioner?
  • Do I have Insurance to provide these Services?
  • Do I need The Emotion Code, Body Code, or Belief Code?
  • Does distance energy healing work as effectively as having an in-person session?
  • How can emotional energy be released if I don't need to talk about any of the emotions?
  • Will I still feel negative emotions after my sessions?
  • How many sessions will I need?
  • How frequently can I have a session?
  • What results can I expect and how soon after a session?
  • Energy blocks and their role in Healing Crisis?
  • What are some common symptoms during a Healing Crisis?
  • What can I do if I experience any processing or healing crisis symptoms?

  • An email session is where the client does not have to be present.
  • I will act as a proxy for you by connecting into your energy field and by using applied kinesiology (muscle testing), to identify anything that your subconscious mind needs help to finish processing or wants to be removed to restore balance.
  • All items will be identified and documented in your report.
  • The energetic blocks will be released over a period of weeks, listening to the subconscious mind to confirm when clearing can be completed.

  • After completing all sessions, I will send you a final summary of what emotions, imbalances and belief system statements have been cleared.

Step 2: Complete the Client Information Consent Form

Please complete the consent form below. I will not be able to start the clearing without this information:

Step 3: Confirm the Booking

Once I have reviewed the completed Client Information Consent Form and received Payment, I will contact you to confirm your booking.

Step 4: Complete your clearing

I will endeavour to complete the initial clearing within 48 hours of payment.

“You can't go back and change

the beginning, but you can

start where you are and change

the ending” C.S. Lewis

Is it time to say YES and choose you?

💛 Take Responsibility 💚 Transform 🩷 Thrive